BC First Nations Justice Council Assembles Five Steering Committees to Provide Expert Advice and Strategic Guidance on the BC First Nations Justice Strategy

“Through the BC First Nations Justice Strategy, BCFNJC is undertaking complex, large-scale work that not only requires ambition and vision, but a structured, culturally grounded approach. We quickly realized that to advance the Justice Strategy, we would need to move beyond colonial and institutional ways of governance and decision-making. The solution was BCFNJC’s Steering Committees” stated Amanda Carling, CEO of BCFNJC.

BCFNJC Releases Framework for Action: Indigenous Women’s Justice Plan Upholds the Calls for Justice

 Today the BC First Nations Justice Council (BCFNJC) is proud to release the Final Draft of the Indigenous Women’s Justice Plan at the 3rd Annual First Nations Justice Forum in Vancouver. The Justice Forum brings together a network of First Nations leaders, Indigenous delegates, and justice partners across BC who will play a powerful role in advancing the Indigenous Women’s Justice Plan through discussion and action-oriented engagement.

Indigenous Justice Centre expansion will create safer communities

group of people standing in from of indigenous logo

“What we have accomplished with the expansion of the IJC network in B.C. is astonishing. In collaboration with First Nations and Indigenous communities, organizations, and leaders across the province, we have successfully established five new IJCs in the span of 12 months, hired a strong team of lawyers, Elders, Knowledge Keepers and outreach workers and are ready to serve the needs of Indigenous people,” said Kory Wilson, chair, BC First Nations Justice Council.