The Kermode Friendship Society offers culturally sensitive, quality programs and services to the Aboriginal community members and the community-at-large in the Terrace area. Our commitment is to encourage self-sufficiency, respect of individuality and to promote cultural diversity amongst all residents of this area.
KFS - People First Adult Program (PFAP)
PFAP has helped 40 “chronically homeless and at-risk of being homeless” through one-to-one coaching and by providing support in specific areas of concern such as: housing placements, interpersonal skills, employment, employability, financial literacy, health and wellness, and education. The intervention program helped participants get connected to the land, language and culture, gain a better sense of self-identity, become better connected with their community, become a participant in the labour market and live a healthier lifestyle.
KFS - Aboriginal Child & Youth Mental Health
The ACYMH program is a prevention and early intervention program. ACYMH provides one-onone and group support to children 0-19 years of age and their families to prevent, delay the onset of, or reduce the duration of mental illness. ACYMH provides holistic programming that incorporates traditional healing methods and cultural enhancement. ACYMH utilizes the medicine wheel framework to balance the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional needs of children, youth and families. Programs are aimed at enhancing the children’s protective factors, strengthening resilience and promoting health and wellness in all aspects of their lives.