Our Nation’s restorative justice program is called Khutsedzik’ e’, which means “in our ancestors’ footsteps” in our Kwadacha language. A key component of our program is the justice and healing camps we deliver on the land throughout the year. The program works in collaboration with the RCMP, the justice system, and the local government. It is an opportunity to bring Kwadacha Elders, Council, community members, and outside agencies into the circle of support.
KNKCWCP - Khutsedzik'e' Cultural Wilderness Camp
Remote, land-based justice and healing camps are run throughout the year for adults, for youth, and for families & community.
KNKCWCP - Adult Program
Services include but are not limited to bail and probation monitoring; diversion and alternative measures programming; restorative justice circles; coordination of community work service; coordination and facilitation of culturally relevant healing plans.
KNKCWCP - Youth Program
Khutsedzik’ e’ Restorative Justice Program assists with the monitoring of young offenders under the supervision of the Youth Probation office of the Ministry of Children and Family Development. Additional services for youth include: extrajudicial sanctions and extrajudicial measures, diversion, restorative justice circles, healing circles, community work service.
KNKCWCP - Community Justice Forums (Restorative Justice Circles)
This model provides a safe, controlled environment in which an offender, victim and their families or supporters are brought together under the guidance of a trained facilitator. Together they discuss the offence, how they have all been affected, and jointly develop a plan to correct what has occurred. Offenders must accept responsibility for their own actions.
KNKCWCP - Criminal Courts Support
Khutsedzik’ e’ Restorative Justice works closely with the Native Courtworkers and Counselling Society of BC to help clients navigate the criminal courts and law, including assistance with criminal court applications and referrals to the appropriate agencies. We help individuals understand the process of the criminal justice system and court orders. We hold healing circles, and promote cultural awareness, prevention awareness and interventions.