Contact Information
301-860 3rd Avenue West, Prince Rupert, British Columbia V8J 1M6, Canada
Service Type
Health and Wellness, Social Services
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General Information
The Prince Rupert/ Port Edward Nisga’a Urban Local is recognized under the Nisga’a Constitution for the purpose of providing political representation for Nisga’a citizens living in Prince Rupert/ Port Edward to NLG through the election of two Nisga’a Urban Local representatives.
Programs and Services
Gitmaxmak'ay Nisga'a Society
The Gitmaxmak’ay Nisga’a Society is a non-profit First Nations organization delivering programs and services to Nisga’a citizens in the Prince Rupert/Port Edward area on behalf of Nisga’a Lisims Government. The mission of the Society is to enhance the well-being of Nisga’a citizens living in Prince Rupert and Port Edward.