The program’s overall goal is to implement the restorative justice program framework into the Nuxalk First Nation community and the mainstream justice system.
Our mailing address is Restorative Justice P.O. Box 392, Bella Coola, B.C. V0T 1C0
NRJP - Alternative Measures/Extrajudicial Sanctions
Alternative Measures/Extrajudicial Sanctions offer youth/adults accused of a criminal offence the opportunity to take responsibility for their behaviour and address the harm that has been committed. These youth/adults participate in a program that resolves cases within a community agency or with community participation.
NRJP - Peacemaking Circles
A resolution process for healing relationships and keeping them healthy, Peacemaking Circles explore how communities can respond to crimes in ways that address the needs and interests of all those affected – victims, offenders, their families and friends, and the community.
NRJP - Community Justice Forums
This model is used by the RCMP and provides a safe, controlled environment in which an offender, victim and their families or supporters are brought together under the guidance of a trained facilitator.