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The Wachiay Friendship Centre is a non-profit society whose mandate is to provide services and supports to the urban Aboriginal population in the Comox Valley Regional District.
WFC - Poverty Law Advocacy
Wachiay’s advocacy program provides information, referrals, advice and full representation in selected cases to people of limited means.
WFC - Family Law Advocacy
Referrals, legal advice and representation for family law matters such as child or spousal support, divorce, separation, property division and more.
WFC - Helping Hands Program
Wachiay’s Helping Hands program provides emergency food bags for individuals and families, and other services such as access to prescription medications, on a case-by-case basis.
WFC - Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP)
Provides temporary housing subsidies for Indigenous people, women fleeing domestic violence, youth (including those leaving care) and individuals leaving corrections or health systems.
WFC - Homelessness Outreach Program (HOP)
Connects homeless or at risk of homelessness people to housing, income assistance and community-based services.
WFC - Roots Program
Roots Practitioner works with children in care with the Ministry of Children and Family Development to identify a child’s ancestry, extended family and community as early as possible and ensure connection to family, community and culture are respected and honoured.
WFC - FASD Keyworker
Strengthening and navigating existing support for families living with FASD.
WFC - OOTS Youth Legacy—FAS/FAE
Education, healthy lifestyle choices and awareness of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder and Effect for children and youth ages 7 to 18. Youth Legacy includes the Bears and Eagles Programs. Eagles is for youth ages 12 to 18. This group is dedicated to empowering youth and their families through spiritual and cultural education, as well as drug and alcohol prevention with a focus on FASD awareness. Bears is an after school program for children age 7 to 12. Bears is designed to provide positive learning experiences for youth in order to instill a sense of accomplishment and build self-esteem.
WFC - Elders and Families
Wednesday weekly Elders’ Lunch and Community Dinner every other Friday, open to everyone.