BC First Nations Justice Council Assembles Five Steering Committees to Provide Expert Advice and Strategic Guidance on the BC First Nations Justice Strategy

“Through the BC First Nations Justice Strategy, BCFNJC is undertaking complex, large-scale work that not only requires ambition and vision, but a structured, culturally grounded approach. We quickly realized that to advance the Justice Strategy, we would need to move beyond colonial and institutional ways of governance and decision-making. The solution was BCFNJC’s Steering Committees” stated Amanda Carling, CEO of BCFNJC.

BCFNJC Holds 3rd Annual First Nations Justice Forum

Kory Wilson, Chair of BCFNJC, at the 2023 BC First Nations Justice Forum

Rooted in collaboration, the Justice Forum brings together a powerful network of First Nations delegates and justice partners to advance groundbreaking work under the BC First Nations Justice Strategy. For […]

CORRECTION: The BCFNJC and FNLC Congratulate Honourable Leonard Marchand, Jr.’s Appointment as Chief Justice of British Columbia and the Yukon Court of Appeal

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The BCFNJC and the FNLC applauds Chief Justice Marchand’s appointment as it is consistent with the Strategy 23 of the BC First Nations Justice Strategy which called for the development of a coordinated strategy to increase the number of First Nations people serving as judges in British Columbia. The BCFNJC and the FNLC celebrate Chief Justice Marchand’s appointment and hold it up to be the first of many more appointments of First Nations judiciary in B.C.

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“BCFNJC condemns the distressing and deeply concerning findings of Dr. Zinger’s investigation. Ten years have passed since Spirit Matters was released and we have seen no justice, no improvement, no meaningful, systemic action from the Canadian Government to advance and fulfill the recommendations of the Office of the Correctional Investigator set out in that report – the ever-climbing rates of Indigenous over-incarceration is absolutely unacceptable, and all Canadians should be concerned,” stated Kory Wilson, BCFNJC Chair.