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North East Native Advancing Society helps Indigenous people in the region locate, train for, and keep high-demand jobs, both short term and long term. These include job-finding skills and training, programs for youth, access to child care, and programs for urban Indigenous people and those with disabilities.
Aboriginal Head Start
North East Native Advancing Society (NENAS) delivers the Sas Natsadle (little Bear) Aboriginal Head Start program in the city of Fort St. John. The licensed preschool program serves 40 Aboriginal children and their parents in need of emotional, social and intellectual support.
Sas Natsadle AHS is an early intervention program that provides for the needs of the whole child and their family through support services. The program focuses on the involvement of parents, who are the child’s first and most influential teachers. Many parents report improved relationships with their children, greater life satisfaction and psychological well being resulting from the supportive social networks that this community-based preschool program offers.
Preschool Hours (two classes per day):
Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 11:30 am, 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm