BC First Nations children and families thriving in peace and security, their dignity and well-being supported by a trusted and representative justice system.
The BC First Nations Justice Council supports the well-being of future generations by transforming the status quo today – upholding self-determination, reclaiming legal traditions and addressing systemic injustice.
- Culture: We draw upon our ancestral practices, customs and traditions to shape transformative change.
- Safety: We support the holistic physical, emotional, and cultural security and well-being of our citizens and staff through our behaviours, services and policies.
- Respect: We uphold human dignity in all interactions, and honour the diversity of teachings and perspectives of BC First Nations. Our work draws upon and integrates the strengths of both First Nations and western legal traditions.
- Empowerment: Our strategies, advocacy and services are grounded in the principle of self-determination and the goal of increasing the freedom of our Nations and citizens to make their own decisions.
- Trust: Our processes and actions create stability and credibility internally amongst our staff and Council members, between the Council and our communities and citizens, and with our partners.
- Results: Our work has meaningful and material impact that advances healing and improves the experiences of BC First Nations citizens that interact with the justice system.