Indigenous Women’s Justice Plan Session – Virtual Session

This session is open to all Indigenous, women, girls, and 2S+ people. Including front line workers, knowledge keepers and those with lived experience, and will focus specifically on the Indigenous Women’s Justice Plan through discussion of targeted areas and use of breakout groups.

Indigenous Youth Justice Plan – Virtual Session

This session is open to all Indigenous youth, front line youth workers, knowledge keepers and those with lived experience navigating the justice system as/on behalf of a youth, and will focus specifically on prioritizing the Indigenous Youth Justice Plan through discussion of targeted areas and use of breakout groups to enable safe discussion spaces for youth.

(dis)Abilities Session for Women2S+ and Youth – Virtual Session

This session is open to all Indigenous individuals who live with a disability and will provide opportunities for discussion on both the Indigenous Women’s Justice Plan as well as the Indigenous Youth Justice Plan. Discussions will be targeted towards how BCFNJC can ensure both plans are inclusive to those living with a disability.

Two-spirit + and Youth – Virtual Session

This session is open to all Indigenous individuals who identify as Two-Spirit+ and will provide opportunities for discussion on both the Indigenous Women’s Justice Plan as well as the Indigenous Youth Justice Plan. Discussions will be targeted towards how BCFNJC can ensure both plans are inclusive of all identities.